Who We Are. Where we come from. What we want to do.

Network Transit was founded by a group of technologists with mixed ICT background. We observed many customers find themselves stifled by the lack of technical resource and management to support and manage their infrastructure. Network Transit was built around the idea to offer scalable and flexible infrastructure solutions so that our customers can get on with their core business without worrying about day-to-day operations.

With over 40 years of combined experiences in varying field, we believe that we have intrinsic understanding of how we are going to provide value to our customers; not by reacting to their needs, but from predicting them through preparation, analysis and examining their usage patterns. We design our services with security, reliability, scalability and flexibility in mind and deliver this one thing really, really well.

Our Mission

To be amongst leader in offering scalable and flexible solutions, presenting the world’s best technologies and customize it to each customer, at a reasonable price.


To package suite of products into a solution that combined industry best practice and optimizing the latest technologies in the market.